Update - V0.5.0 - Hero Frames

Hello everyone! The new update is here!


  • Add Level Up option in Practice Mode
  • Add Dummy Attack option in Practice Mode - Dummy will now fire a shot that deals 150 physical damage every second, you can turn it off anytime.
  • Add MMR Penalty when leaving the ranked match in the Picking Phase
  • Add Frames to a shop
  • You can now buy and change Frame directly in your Player Profile
  • Add Gems and Minimum MMR Currency to a Shop (It is using Peak MMR not Current MMR)
  • Fixed a bug with accepting/rejecting Friend Request
  • Fixed several bugs with Locales
  • General shop update (Lobby shop)
  • Increase base health regen from 70% to 80%
  • Slightly increase experience required per level
  • AD now rewards 30 => 40 coins
  • Increase base XP gain for killing a hero 50 => 60
  • Now if you kill an enemy hero while you are dead, you will no longer get bonus experiences
  • Gold penalty on death 10% => 5%
  • Calculation of Armor and Magic Resistance effectivity increased by 5% (Very slight) 
  • Ranked games now provide 15% => 25% Bonus Exp and Coins
  • CO-OP now provides 75% to 25% less Exp and Coins than normal games
  • Bonus coins per game is increased by 15%
  • Fixed Range modifiers (Nimble's Bow and Corrupted Ring). Now applies to all abilities. (Exceptions: Veil K and Kira)



  • Base armor 2 => 1.5
  • Base attack speed 1 => 1.1
  • Armor per level 0.4 => 0.3
  • HP Regen per level 0.4 => 0.3

Attack (J)

  • Enhanced attack base damage 85 => 100

Magical Orb (K)

  • Damage per level 1 => 1.5
  • Talent T2 (Blind) - Duration 5sec => 3.5Sec
  • Talent T2 (Blind) - Effectivity 50% => 75%


  • Base attack speed 1.15 => 1.1
  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • HP Regen per level 0.5 => 0.4


  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.35
  • HP Regen per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Attack speed per level 3% => 2%

Attack (J)

  • Talent (T1 Left) - Attack speed reduction 40% => 35%

Icicle bolt (K)

  • Base damage 45 => 48

Cold Embrace

  • Tick time changed from 200ms to 250ms. Now trigger items every tick (before was every 2nd)
  • Tier 1 Talent - Bonus movement speed 25 => 30
  • Tier 2 Talent - +1sec duration => 0.75s Duration but also increase trail duration


  • Base attack speed 1 => 1.1
  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.3
  • HP Regen per level 0.5 => 0.4

Prickly Vine (K)

  • Stun duration 1sec => 0.8sec
  • Tier 1 Talent - Bonus stun duration 0.5s => 0.4s
  • Break distance 115 => 110 (Break distance is now affected by range bonus)
  • Damage per level 3 => 2

Floral Ambush (L)

  • Base damage 40 => 45


  • HP regen per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Attack speed per level 2% => 0

Shuriken Toss (K)

  • Damage per level 1 => 0.5 (6 => 3)
  • AD Modifier 25% => 20% (150% => 120%)

Shadow Carrot (L)

  • Tier 1 Left Talent - 40 damage => 30 Damage
  • AD Modifier 115% => 110%


  • Base armor 2 => 1.5
  • Damage per level 3 => 2.5


  • Armor per level 0.35 => 0.3
  • Attack speed per level 4% => 3%

Precise Shot (K)

  • Tier 2 Talent - Increase damage 25% => 30%. Now also increase the range by 30%
  • Marksmanship bonus distance 40 => 25

Attack (J)

  • Marksmanship bonus distance 20 => 25


  • Base Health 510 => 525
  • Bonus armor per level 0.5 => 0.3
  • Bonus HP Regen per level 0.5 => 0.3

New Level 6 talents:

  • Left talent - Lightning Shock duration +1 sec
  • Right talent - Lightning shock healing +30% flat

New Level 10 Talents:

  • Left talent - Lightning Shock +1 Target
  • Right talent - Void Rain +1 Sparkle

Attack (J) - Enhanced

  • Base damage 35 => 40
  • Healing mod 60% => 70% (100% With talent)
  • AP Modifier 60% => 55% 
  • Damage per level 1.5 => 1
  • Movement slow 20 => 15
  • Attack speed slow 40% => 35%

Void Rain (K)

  • Base damage 20 => 30
  • Damage per level 1 => 1
  • AP Modifier => 23% => 30%
  • Now fires 3 / 6 Sparkles instead of 4 / 8

Void Phantasm (L)

  • Silence duration 2.5sec => 3.5sec
  • AP Modifier 225% => 200%
  • Damage per level 6 => 5
  • Base damage 100 => 125


Health per level 30 => 32

Triumphant Upheaval (K)

  • Damage modifier 12% => 13%


  • Base armor 2 => 1.5
  • Damage per level 3 => 2.5
  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Health regen per level 0.5 => 0.4

Attack (J)

  • Enhanced attack damage 60% => 55%

Ticking bomb (L)

  • Base damage 35 => 25
  • Damage per level 2 => 1.5


  • Attack speed per level 3% => 2%

Attack (J)

  • Tier 1 Left talent - Mark damage 30 => 35


  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Hp regen per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Increase attack distance by 5

Grenade (L)

  • Tier 1 Talent - % Damage per sec 4% => 5%


  • Base attack speed 1 => 1.1
  • Health per level 24 => 25
  • Armor per level 0.5 => 0.4
  • Hp regen per level 0.5 => 0.4

Scream of Pain (K)

  • Base damage 80 => 100

Swarm of Ghosts (L)

  • AP Modifier 70% => 65%


 Fridge Curse

  • Reduce total healing 45% => 35%

 Spike Shield

  • ACTIVE: Duration 2sec => 2.5sec
  • ACTIVE: cooldown 40sec => 45sec

 Orchid of Malevolence

  • ACTIVE: duration 3sec => 3.5sec
  • Total Cost (1100 => 1050)

 Shadow Slayer

  • PASSIVE: Now deals magical damage instead of PURE
  • PASSIVE: 2% Damage per hit => 3%
  • Damage 12 => 8

 Spiked Mace

  • PASSIVE: Health threshold 12% => 15%
  • Damage 18 => 12


  • Price: 400 (600 total) -> 350 (550 total)
  • Attack Damage: 18 => 16

 Corrupted Katana

  • Attack Damage: 24 => 22
  • Total Cost (1200 => 1150)

 Demon Sabre

  • Attack damage 22 => 21
  • Total cost (1100 => 1050)

 Divine Katana

  • Damage 22 => 20
  • Ability Haste 4 => 2
  • Critical strike chance 0 => 15%
  • Cost 475 => 500 (Total 1050)

 Corrupted Longbow

  • Attack speed 30% => 35%
  • Damage 12 => 10

 Nimble Longbow

  • Attack speed 45% => 50%
  • Cost 500 => 550

 Hunter's Bow

  • Health 50 => 80
  • PASSIVE AURA: Attack speed bonus 30% => 35%
  • Attack speed 15% => 10% (With aura 45%)
 Berserker Bow
  • Critical strike chance 12% => 15%

 Magical Bow

  • PASSIVE: Now apply poison on the spell hit & attack hit

 Kirin's Bow 

  • Attack speed 35% => 40%
  • Damage 6 => 5
  • PASSIVE: Now apply level 1 poison instead of 2 (Duration is reduced from 3 sec to 2sec)

 Divine Shield

  • Armor 0 => 3
  • Magic resistance 5 => 3
  • Ability Haste 2 => 0

 Wizard Staff

  • Ability power 20 => 18

 Burning Rod

  • Ability power 11 => 12
  • Health 75 => 70

 Vampiric Rod

  • Cost 500 => 550
  • Ability power 16 => 18
  • Health Regen 2 => 3

 Frozen Staff

  • Cost 500 => 550
  • Ability power 22 => 24

 Rod of Nature

  • Max Health: 70 => 50
  • Ability power: 10 => 12

 Divine Staff

  • Max Health: 100 => 80
  • Ability power 14 => 15

 Magic Harpoon

  • Damage 16 => 14
  • Ability power 16 => 18
  • Total Cost (1100 => 1050)

 Iron Rod 

  • Cost 350 => 300
  • Attack Damage: 12 => 10
  • Ability Power 12 => 10

 Void Armor

  • Attack speed 28% => 25%
  • Bonus Health 150 => 180
  • Total Cost (975 => 1000)

Frost Armor

  • Bonus Health 150 => 180
  • Total Cost (975 => 1000)
  • Armor 5 => 4

 Plate Shield

  • ACTIVE: Slow 40 => 25 - Now also reduce Attack speed
  • ACTIVE: Duration 2sec => 2.5sec

 Chronos Ring

  • Ability Haste: 4 => 3
  • Cost 550 => 575

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